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Angola | Jacobsen Loveseat - Leather

Angola | Jacobsen Loveseat - Leather

Shop Angola | Jacobsen Loveseat - Leather, inspired by Arne Jacobsen. Order in-stock, custom-made and more Mid-Century Modern for sale & save up to 40% off select Loveseats - Living Room furniture at HONORMILL.

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Items are made-to-order just for you. Please allow approximately 10-12 weeks lead time. Select All Applicable product options.
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Dark burgundy
Dark olive green
Dark tan
- +
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Availability:In stock

Angola | Jacobson Loveseat — Leather

Tasked with creating an epic loveseat design in the late 50s, designer Arne Jacobsen took inspiration from the classic loveseat and made it modern by rendering it in the period's newest materials-molded fiberglass and chromed aluminum. The result was a fully-functional, sculptural work of art-the Jacobson Loveseat was born.

Features & Benefits

• Enveloping design offers optimal comfort and relaxation.
• High-quality, single-piece molded fiberglass shell provides superior support and strength for a long-lasting product.
• Iconic design and intriguing backstory make for a conversation piece wherever placed.
• Swivel feature allows for optimal use in multi-purpose spaces or loft areas where activity areas blend into one another and for accommodating conversation between users when desired.
• Modern lines and organic form allow the Loveseat to meld across many styles including contemporary, minimalist, traditional, eclectic, rustic lodge, mid-century and more.

Today, the Jacobson Swan Loveseat is still held as a gold standard amongst mid-century furniture designs and is coveted by modern design lovers around the globe. As a result, we pay homage to him by producing our own take on Jacobsen's timeless design. Our take on this treasured loveseat provides all the best features and options to suit each user and their space.

Artful Seating

Through a concerted application of his own architectural theories, Arne Jacobsen was able to achieve a loveseat design that is both art and furniture. The overall form of our loveseat echoes its moniker with round shape and curvy interior. It is contradictory in intention, on one hand providing privacy to the user through an enveloping form whilst being provocational in its visually-striking design.

Perfect Placement

With its inverted wing design and high curved back, the loveseat's privacy features make it ideal for installation in public places. Whether furnishing a hotel lobby or luxury lounge, this loveseat provides inviting seating for intimate conversation or personal retreat.

For residential spaces, the loveseat provides not only a comfortable relaxation spot for reading, it makes for the ultimate conversation piece. It's perfectly-placed solo in a quiet corner of the master bedroom or study, or in a pair in the living or media room.

Timeless Style

While the Jacobson Loveseat reflects a wholly modern style with almost futuristic shape, the most well-known interior designers and discerning home-owners find it melds beautifully across all decor styles. The loveseat's timeless style finds it placed in public and personal spaces without regard to decorum. In the most formal interiors it provides a most unexpected, eye-catching element stirring up the oft-found stodginess of these traditional spaces. Most at home in modern or minimalist surroundings, the loveseat becomes more an element of comfort than conformity.

Best Features

The best versions of Jacobsen's Loveseat, like our loveseat, are crafted from high-quality fiberglass molded for optimal strength and durability. The base is crafted from high-grade aluminum with chrome finish. The tilt and swivel features provide optimal mobility.

The most desirable upholstery choices providing longevity in appearance and wear are our top grain leathers. Upholstered in leather the loveseat has a sleek appearance.

Neutral or Bold

Whether you tend to lean toward conservative choices or bold declarations, the Angola | Arne Jacobson Loveseat in fabric comes in just the right hue for you. Our neutrals and standards include all the usual suspects such as brown, beige, cream, black and white. While dramatic colors stand out in red or green. No matter whether downplayed or played up, this loveseat will be right at home in any color.

Special Care Instructions

To clean, avoid use of harsh acidic or abrasive cleaning solutions. For cleaning and maintenance of metal, use a soft dry cloth to dust if needed. For spills, use a damp soapy sponge or cloth. Consult the manufacturer warranty and cleaning instructions for care of leather upholstery.

More Information
Best SellerYes

25"L x 56"W x 31.5"
Seat: 17.5"H
Backrest: 16.5"H

Inspired by DesignerArne Jacobsen
Designer BrandJacobsen
StyleMid-Century Modern

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