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Dewitt | easy Fiberglass Shell Armchair - Eiffel Base

Dewitt | easy Fiberglass Shell Armchair - Eiffel Base

Shop Dewitt | easy Fiberglass Shell Armchair - Eiffel Base, inspired by Charles & Ray easy. Order in-stock, custom-made and more Mid-Century Modern for sale & save up to 70% off select Classic Designer - Designers furniture at HONORMILL.

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Warm gray
Dark red
Autumn green
Lemon yellow
Hot orange
Tibet blue
Spring green
Flamingo pink
Latte brown
- +
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Availability:In stock

Dewitt | easy Fiberglass Shell Armchair - Eiffel Base

Revolutionary Classic Designers set out to create an innovative approach to seating with their molded seats and collection of interchangeable bases. The easy Fiberglass Chair with Eiffel Base brought exciting possibilities to the mid-century modern home and office. We've created our Broadway Fiberglass Shell Armchair with the same qualities interpreting it for today's modern interior spaces.

Features & Benefits

  • Expert engineering allows the chair to take the rigors of high traffic residential and commercial spaces and continuous daily use.
  • Wide selection of fiberglass shell colors to fit your space.
  • A design that is both classic and modern allows for melding into many style spaces from minimalist to eclectic.
  • Can be paired with a metal and wood table or glass top table with metal base.
  • Designer Eiffel Tower style base in high polish finish offers a striking visual element.
Masterful Tribute

Paying homage to the Classic Designers innovational seating, we've used expert craftsmanship and authenticity to produce our Broadway Fiberglass Shell Armchair. This expertly-engineered armchair features the same look and design attributes as the orignal. In addition to using daily, you'll enjoy showing off this striking chair as a conversation piece in your home.

Intriguing Tower Base

The Eiffel Tower base created in the early 1950s by the Classic Designers was inspired by the Parisian landmark of the same name. The steel base boasts a wire-like appearance with interconnecting center spanning down to the legs and up to the shell. This base offers optimal support and sturdiness making it ideal in high traffic commercial and residential areas.

Creative Color Options

Of great importance to the Classic Designers was inspired use of color. As it applies to their armchair, they took fiberglass, at the time only available colorless, and spent countless hours mixing colors for their chair prototypes. The result was a fiberglass chair shell available in exciting hues to bring a pop of color to interior rooms. In keeping with the designers focus on color, we offer our own Broadway Fiberglass Shell Armchair in wonderful hues including vibrant lemon yellow, pink, green, red, spring green and Tibet blue.

Attainable Design

This easy style chair allows you to own and enjoy a classic modern icon without foregoing quality. We understand not everyone has ample means by which to attain such a piece. With that in mind, we offer our masterful homage of the easy Fiberglass Chair with Eiffel Base made with high quality materials and careful craftsmanship at a modest price point. Among other such replicas, the materials and expertise used to create our products are top quality.

About the Designer

One of the most well-known husband and wife design teams, created hallmark mid-century modern furniture still popular today. They believed "design should be lived" and set out to interpret that belief through producing simplistic yet high functional furnishings for both and commercial settings. Perhaps one of their most lauded designs was their easy fiberglass shell with interchangeable bases.

Special Care Instructions

To clean the metal and fiberglass elements, avoid use of harsh acidic or abrasive cleaning solutions. Use damp soapy sponge or cloth for general clean-up.

More Information
Best SellerYes

W24" x D23" x H31"

Inspired by DesignerCharles & Ray easy
Designer Brandeasy
StyleMid-Century Modern

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